Tintin Perpetual Birthday Calendar

$ 15.99

A perpetual calendar shows the date and month but not the day of the week. Thus you can start your calendar on any day of the year. Keep track of baby's first year, use it as an academic calendar or any other event that you want to mark. 

The Tintin Perpetual Birthday Calendar has famous and infamous characters from the Herge Adventure's of Tintin series. 30cm (12") tall and 12.5cm (5") wide. Published by Moulinsart 2007.

Tintin Perpetual Birthday Calendar

Sausalito Ferry Co is the only authorized retailer of Tintin in the United States. Because of our special relationship with Moulinsart, maker of all things Tintin, we have the largest selection of Tintin goodies online and in brick and mortar domestically.
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