Oliver at the Window

Making a friend makes all the difference. When Oliver's parents separate, Oliver must brave many new changes. He shuffles back and forth between his parents' homes. And now he goes to preschool every day. He doesn't know the kids there or his new teacher. Isolated and alone at first, Oliver slowly becomes part of the gang. Eventually, he's able to help the newest student feel welcome at school. Lion stays with Oliver everywhere he goes, giving him just the thing he needs to adjust to all the changes: courage.

This picture book follows a young child’s adjustment to a new school—and his parent’s separation—through the natural evolution of friendship and play. Of special interest to parents with children entering school and to teachers, psychologists and therapists supporting families in transition.

Winner of 2010 Honor Award from the Society of School Librarians International; available in English, Korean and Mandarin

ISBN: 978-1-59078-548-5 (hardcover)

AGES: 3-7

PUBLISHED BY: Front Street/Boyds Mills Press

ILLUSTRATED BY: Candice Hartsough McDonald

Oliver At The Window

Award-winning author Elizabeth Shreeve writes books for young readers that celebrate the origins and diversity of life on Earth. Elizabeth lives in northern California with her family, including Hector the PaleoDog. For information on author visits, teacher guides, and more upcoming books, please visit www.elizabethshreeve.com, YouTube: Elizabeth Shreeve Books, and @ShreeveBooks.

To request an author visit, please contact How Now Booking at https://www.hownowbooking.com/booking

Elizabeth's books are available wherever books are sold. All books purchased from this website are SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR (with medium tip Sharpies!). 


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